Wendie Renard and Sweden, the most honest high scoring player and team


As we did with the Men's tournament, we also analysed how much top scoring teams and players used diving as one of their tactics during the Women's World Cup in France. Here are the results:

Sweden were the third highest scoring team but they had the highest Goal per Dive ratio (1.2). They were the only team in either World Cup (Women’s and Men’s) to score more often than they dived (12 goals vs 10 dives).

Women’s goals vs dives by team

The top scoring players in the tournament were Alex Morgan (United States), Ellen White (England) and Megan Rapinoe (United States), with 6 goals each. But the Golden Boot was awarded to Megan Rapinoe, as she played the least amount of time during the tournament, giving her the best Goal per Minute ratio. Nevertheless, of the three top scoring players, Ellen White dived the least (1 dive).

Women’s goals vs dives by player

However, the most honest high scoring player was Wendie Renard (France) who scored 4 goals without a single dive. This made her the only high scoring player to refrain from diving in either the men’s or women’s tournament.

Header photo by Steffen Prößdorf

Stories of unfair impact: No Caution

Law 12, Section 3 was not applied in either of the World Cups we analysed.


How to recognise a dive, 5 traits to easily identify dives

Learn which behavioural traits can be used to recognize dives.


They also dive in Tennis (#orNot)

Novak Djokovic making fun of football dives.
